CV and Certificates

Academic Qualifications:
- MBBS- PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research - 1998 to 2004.
- MD (Internal Medicine)- coimbatore Medical college -2006 to2009.
- FCD(Fellowship Certification in Diabetology)-Indian Medical Association- 2008 to 2009.
- DNB (Cardiology)- Madras Medical Mission hospital, Chennai- 2011 to 2014.
Professional Experience:
- Consultant Physician, Jeyasekaran Hospital, Nagercoil - April 2009 to February.
- Junior Consultant Cardiology, Madras Medical Mission, Chennai - March 2014 to November 2014.
Papers Published:
- Study of clinical profile and management of patients with pulmonary embolism - single centre study - Indian Heart Journal March 2014.
- Outcome of patients over 70 years undergoing percutaneous coronary stenting : a comparison of bare metal stent and drug eluting stent - CSI Poster Presentation 2012.
- Extensive intracranial calcification and choreoathetoid movements in a case of Idiopathic Hypoparathyroidism - Kerala Medical Journal : issue 3 june 2009.
- A case of hoffman syndrome- Case report: Journal of Indian medical association 2010.
- Foix - Alajouanine Syndrome : a case report. APICON poster presentation 2009.
- Correlation of microalbuminuria and ECG criteria for LVH in hypertensive patients - HSICON 2009.
- Dr.P.J.Mehta Young Scientist Award - Best paper award in HSICON 2009.
Areas of Interest:
- Complex Coronary Intervention.
- Peripheral Arterial Intervention.
- Coronary Imaging - IVUS, OCT, FFR.
- Coronary Angiograms - Femoral and Radial.
- Percutaneous transluminal coronaryangioplasty (PTCA) primary PTCA.
- permanent pacemaker insertion.